Tuesday, January 18, 2022

they launched a rocket tonight

they launched a rocket tonight

seventy-four miles north of here


we were promised a big show

by very enthusiastic resort staff

and so

a small but notable crowd

perhaps a dozen and a half

maybe two dozen

gathered on the overlook by the beach

which promised (we were told) an excellent view


the numbers gathered on the overlook

while the moon

stood stalwart sentinel

slam-dunking its reflected sunlight 

onto a lightly ruffled ocean


a plane fooled everybody for a moment


but sure enough

at 9:02 p.m.

a reddening glow blossomed low on the northern horizon

from which emerged a large red spot

larger than the stars anyway

not as large as the moon

standing stalwart sentinel


to the delight of all 

the newly launched large red spot 

turned south 

toward us

and eventually passed right in front of us

still climbing and growing smaller

its vaguely comet-tail-like trail changing colors 

and eventually fading away 

as the rocket climbed higher and faded into the sky

on its way to disgorge forty-something satellites



the smallish but notable crowd drifted away 

as the rocket could no longer be seen with unaided eye


and yet the moon 

still stood stalwart sentinel

slam-dunking its reflected sunlight

onto a lightly ruffled ocean

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