Grace Presbyterian Church
March 12, 2017, Lent 2A
Jeremiah 20:7-13; Matthew 10:24-39
The Sword
Honestly, this
just doesn’t fit.
We call Jesus the
Prince of Peace. We sing a whole lot, particularly around Christmastime, about
peace – “Sleep in heavenly peace,” or “Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace,”
or there are songs like “I’ve got peace like a river” or any hymn based on St.
Francis’s prayer, “Make me an instrument of your peace.” In fact, if you go to
the back of the hymnal and look at the indexes, you’ll see that in the Subject
Index “peace” actually gets two different sections – “Peace, Personal
(Spiritual)” and “Peace, World.”
And it’s not as if
Jesus doesn’t have plenty to say about peace: earlier in this gospel, one of
the Beatitudes plainly stated “Blessed
are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (5:9). John
14:27 records Jesus’s words to his disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” And in almost all
of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus recorded in the gospels, one of
the first things Jesus says is some variant of “Peace be with you.”
And yet, there’s
verse 34 in today’s reading, with Jesus saying plain as day, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
A sword?
Not what we want
to hear.
Even another
gospel writer, Luke, seems to be in agreement with us. When Luke records this
teaching, he replaces the word “sword” with “division.” Now that sits
uncomfortably enough in our ears, but “a
sword”? We can’t bear to hear that.
But Matthew pulls
no punches. “Do not think that I have
come to bring peace,” Jesus says. “I
have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” And he doesn’t stop there, but
goes on to suggest that families will be divided – man against father, daughter
against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law – and flat-out upends
what we would call “family values” altogether. The final sentence seems hardest
of all: “Those who find their life will
lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.”
The modern church
has built up a veritable cottage industry around being peacemakers and
generally promoting the idea that peace is the way to live. But Jesus doesn’t
seem to have a lot of patience with that idea here. Before we despair too much,
though, it’s a good idea to back up and hear what has brought Jesus to this
point. What sounds like a total renunciation at first turns out to be a simple
statement of fact.
This passage we
have heard today is part of a larger unit of teaching with a specific purpose.
Jesus is, from the beginning of chapter 10, preparing his twelve disciples to
go out and do the teaching, preaching, and healing that he himself had been
doing. This teaching and sending is not described here in the same degree of
detail as it is in other gospels – Matthew never does record the disciples’
return from this commissioning, for example – but this commissioning does have
parallels in the other gospels. On the other hand, Jesus’s teaching in those
other gospels is not quite so stark and pointed as what Matthew records.
Already in verse
16 Jesus has warned the disciples that he is sending them out as “sheep in the midst of wolves” and that
they should be “wise as serpents and
innocent as doves,” which suggests that their experience will be a bit more
challenging than your average Vacation Bible School. Verse 22 makes the warning
more explicit: “you will be hated by all
because of my name.” So when Jesus says in verse 24 that “a disciple is not above the teacher,”
he is making clear to his disciples that they should, if they are truly
following him, expect the same kind of attacks and slander that he has
What we often
forget or overlook here, though, is that the attacks and slander Jesus has
experienced and will experience, and that Jesus warns his disciples that they
will experience, aren’t from random strangers. Jesus isn’t being challenged by
“the world,” that generic boogeyman we in the church love to conjure up; Jesus
is being challenged by the religious authorities of his time and place.
Beginning in chapter 9 Matthew records the Pharisees, the great advocates of
cultic and personal piety and purity in Jesus’s day, increasingly turning their
questioning towards Jesus, culminating in the strange accusation in 9:34, after
Jesus has cast out a demon, that “by the
ruler of the demons he casts out the demons.” In short, they’re charging
Jesus with being in league with the devil. And Jesus rightly points out in 10:25 that if the religious
authorities are willing to say that about Jesus, the disciples can’t expect to
be treated any differently.
In the midst of
this uncertainty, Jesus takes pains to remind his disciples that for all the
likelihood of false accusation and defamation, betrayal and hatred, they are
watched and cared for by God, the one who cares even for those two-for-a-penny
sparrows. Even that comfort seems a bit late, when Jesus’s idea of reassurance
is that the disciples be less concerned over “those who can kill the body, but cannot kill the soul” and more
over the one who can kill both. I’m guessing that by now the disciples are
wondering what they’ve signed on for after all. Even after the Sermon on the
Mount and the healing episodes Matthew describes in chapter 8, this
commissioning speech must have felt a bit jarring to a bunch of fishermen.
Being scorned as poor dumb fishermen was one thing, but family turning on you?
Being attacked by the Pharisees? They couldn’t have expected this.
Then the hard
sentence, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword,” which makes sense
in the context in which Jesus has already spoken – if you follow me, if you
truly follow me and do the will of God and live into the kingdom of Heaven, the
sword will find you. Even if you’re living into that beatitude about “Blessed are the peacemakers,” the sword
will find you. But you are not abandoned, any more than those two-a-penny
sparrows. And even the losing of one’s life – whether in a literal sense or in
the sense of one’s life being truly absorbed into following Jesus in genuine
and submitted discipleship – will end with life, true life, real life found, not lost. On the other
hand, those whose life is caught up in the world, congruent with the world’s
standards – or even the standards of the empire-accommodated church so
prominent these days – will find their lives are truly lost.
In the end, then,
that hard sentence is just practical advice – know what you’re getting into, know what’s coming, know that the sword
will find you. And follow Me anyway.
For the One who cares
for us even when the sword comes, Thanks
be to God. Amen.
Hymns (from Glory to
God The Presbyterian Hymnal):
#829 My
Faith Looks Up to Thee
#478 Save
Me, O God, I Sink in Floods (Psalm 69)
#718 Take
Up Your Cross, the Savior Said
#661 Why
Should I Feel Discouraged?
Credit: (consider it a word of caution...)